18 Apr

The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Paul Andrews

Paul was born in Crumpsall  Hospital Manchester, growing up mainly in Whythenshawe

Completing an apprenticeship in the print industry he moved to baggage handling at Manchester airport and became Union Conveyor for the Transport and General Workers Union.

He first became a Councillor in 1996 the same year he was married to Karen , the Lady Mayoress and they are both incredibly busy in their roles but enjoying it immensely 

The Lord Mayor very kindly met me today for a chat, cup of tea and cake, in the Lord Mayor’s Suite in Manchester’s Central Library 

Paul’s main charities he is supporting in his  year are those that support the numerous generous unpaid carers in the area, without which would lead to a massive collapse in the care system.

All the best for the rest of your year Paul👍

Manchester’s magnificent Central Library off St Peter’s Square

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